AdBlock Site Redesign

Role: Product Design, UX, UI 


“Update existing website and branding to reflect a more unified visual language with room to grow into a suite of products”

Project Description
Design and develop an updated look and feel for the AdBlock website. Our success would be measured by 3 criteria:

1. The existing content needed to be aligned with our new visual identity
2. Our SEO ranking needed to stay constant or improve
3. The percentage of users who click the “Get AdBlock” button would not decrease

We wanted to utilize custom illustrations to showcase high-level privacy and security concepts alongside detailed product messaging. Ideally, we would create a space where we could convey how our software solutions could positively impact your online experience. 


UX Challenges

How can we make it as easy as possible for users to download and install AdBlock? How do we communicate sophisticated ideas that might be overwhelming to the average user? How do we differentiate from competitors? We set out to make ad blocking approachable, to unmask what we do. We wanted potential users to understand that by installing AdBlock they would have greater control over their online experience and that that experience would be greatly improved.  The challenge was to have the information presented in a friendly and coherent manner. We iterated by using style and layout to make it easy to digest. We gave additional information for those interested in digging deeper by using a content structure that simultaneously worked to increase SEO traffic.

UX Solutions

The final design combined the needs of a new user who might be on a fact-finding mission, with our vision of a more modern look and feel. We added in nested content and created breathing room in the UI with illustrations and visual representations to allow for easier learning. We used a light and clean style to make the content more accessible and to reduce the cognitive load. Action items were bold in color and form, maintaining a consistent corner radius that felt approachable. Within a short timeframe, we moved the overall brand forward and created a stronger identity for the company. We kept some of the same content but organized it to be more dispersed and nested in such a way that it didn’t form large blocks of text that were difficult to parse. Additionally, we added informative articles about hot topics such as blocking ads on Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook. We were mindful of ensuring a consistent experience for all users and designed the site to be fully accessible on desktop and mobile. Overall, we greatly increased our user traffic and SEO while setting the foundation for new brand identity. Developing a robust design language brought the products we create into a clearer view for everyone on the team.

Looking forward I’d like to see us update our illustration style to isometric design and look for ways to engage users with additional interactive design methods.  Adding educational videos would assist in increasing a general understanding of our offerings. We also have some ideas on how to improve the site navigation, which will be necessary as our suite of products grow. Design is never done!


Popup Menu


VPN Payment Flow