AdBlock Assistant*

Role: Product Design, UX, UI 

Project Description:
How might we respectfully engage with users and notify them about new features at AdBlock? AdBlock users are distanced from brand communication and therefore might be missing out on new features/products that would bring them value. Our mission is to be distraction-free and worry-free. Unfortunately, this also makes it hard to notify users about new features. The current online notification mechanisms can be quite disturbing to the user, and not the most friendly or respectful way to get their attention. We looked to identify a new way to show users information that aligns more closely with our values and principles.

*This project is in progress

UX Challenges

Part of our mission statement is to create a distraction-free internet experience for everyone. As the internet has grown, it has become increasingly challenging to manage that from a distance. Our software continuously improves and new functionality is made available, but sadly, it often goes undiscovered. AdBlock is architected in a way that allows our users complete control. How do we make them aware of additional features that might be useful without disrupting their online experience?

AdBlock has always been, and will always be a free product. Recently we have added exclusive customization features for AdBlock supporters. We call this AdBlock Premium. AdBlock Premium allows you to customize your ad blocking experience by blocking additional distractions such as ‘allow notifications’, adding themes to your interfaces and much more.

UX Solutions

Real-time personalization is the ability to customize a message to an individual user that is relevant and reaches them at the ideal time in the optimal way. It is about empathically understanding where they are on their journey, and delivering an experience that adds value. For example, if you are being bombarded on every site with cookie notifications, and it is something that does not faze you, we have an ‘I don’t care about cookies’ filter list that you can subscribe to. No more cookie notifications, no more extra clicks, faster page loads, less cognitive load. If the bitcoin and ethereum craze is not your thing, we have a ‘cryptocurrency mining protection’ filter list to help keep you out of that loop.

Our goal is to aid in the self discovery of such features while keeping the users’ privacy in the forefront. Stay tuned for how we tackle this most interesting design problem…


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